Solid Waste

Welcome to the Solid Waste page

Garbage Service

Alaska Waste has been contracted to run all aspects of solid waste in Sitka: the transfer station, the recycling center, and trash collection.  

For any questions regarding things such as: repairs to my garbage can; I missed my garbage day, what happens now; placement of my garbage can, contact Alaska Waste at 907-747-5669.  

If you need help regarding your Utility (light, garbage, water) Bill, contact the City of Sitka Utilities Office at 747-1818 #2.

City Clean-up 2025 dates and flyers - click here:   2025 Spring Clean-Up Flyer.pdf 

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event - click here:   2025 Household Hazardous Waste Event Flyer.pdf 

Scrapyard, Transfer Station.  Where to take disposal items, click here:    CBS Disposal Locations and Rates 2-2025.pdf 

For the Overburden Waste Location Map, click here:    PSA-Overburden Waste Disposal Map.pdf 

For the disposal of signal flares, click here:   PSA Proper Disposal of Signal Flares.pdf    

What is Household Hazardous Waste?

Hazardous Waste is leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients are considered to be household hazardous waste (HHW). Products, such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides, that contain potentially hazardous ingredients require special care when you dispose of them. These can include, cleaners, solvents, paint thinners, oils, antifreeze, pesticides, and automotive products.  If you have questions about whether something is hazardous, please call Public Works at 907-747-1804.

Sitka has a Hazardous Waste Collection event each year in the spring. This is a 2 day event, only once a year.  It happens at the same time of the City and Borough of Sitka Spring Clean-up.  Save your hazardous waste for this spring event.

Here is a link about Hazardous Waste:  Environmental Protection Agency

Solid Waste

Garbage Collection                                         Alaska Waste - Sitka, LLC (contract) 907-747-5669

                                                                             *  Does the weekly collection of solid waste from residential and commercial customers

                                                                             *  Operates the Transfer Station on Jarvis Street                                                                           

Biosolids/Landfill                                            City and Borough of Sitka

                                                                            *  Wastewater Treatment Plant waste (sludge disposal) goes to the landfill in the Granite Creek 

                                                                                Industrial Park

Granite Creek Overburden/Waste Site        Marble Island, LLC. (lease)  907-747623-0760

                                                                             *  Handles the overburden debris disposal

Recycling                                                           Alaska Waste operates the Recycle Center at 802 Sawmill Creek Road

                                                                             *  Source separates and bales for shipping off island

                                                                             *  Recycling plastic #1, #2 and #5.  Aluminum, metal, corrugated cardboard and newspaper.

                                                                          City and Borough of Sitka

                                                                              *  Re-purpose glass

Scrapyard                                                         City and Borough of Sitka

                                                                             *  Processes vehicles, white goods, fuel tans, tires and more

                                                                             *  Remove toxic fluids and material from products

                                                                             *  Sort, bail and ship assorted metals

Household Hazardous Waste Event             City and Borough of Sitka 

                                                                               *  Contracts with an environmental specialist to manage the material collected at the event

                                                                               *  Provide personnel to assist in sorting and packaging the collected material                                                        

How Can I Recycle...   

  • Aluminum cans and scrap aluminum:  Recycle Center on 802 Sawmill Creek Road across from National Cemetery.  
  • Car batteries: Napa Auto Parts - 100 Smith Street (747-6659).
  • Cardboard: Corrugated cardboard only and newspaper are in the same bin.  Recycle Center on 802 Sawmill Creek Road across from National Cemetery.  No waxed boxes accepted such as fish boxes.
  • Glass: Recycle Center on 802 Sawmill Creek Road across from National Cemetery. Paper labels are okay. Remove caps. Large pieces call 907-747-4041
  • Oil - Used motor oil:  Each harbor in town has a green container specifically to store used motor oil.
  • Plastic:  Recycle Center on 802 Sawmill Creek Road across from National Cemetery. Remove lids, rinse out, and watch for the numbers #1, colored plastic #2 and #5, be sure you put the right number in the right bin. Cloudy milk jugs should be squished flat.  Labels are okay.

Tips for Readying Items for Recycling

  • Peanut Butter Jars: A tip for cleaning peanut butter jars - fill the jar up and let it soak overnight, then the next day pour half of the water out, replace the lid and shake it vigorously.  This will clean the softened peanut butter out.
  • Plastic Soap Containers: Only #1 & #2 types. Containers that held shampoo or laundry soap should be filled halfway and shaken.  Then pour this out and refill the bottle all the way so water pushes excess foam out.
  • Laundry Detergent: Large detergent bottles can be recycled also.  You can pour a bit of water in, replace the lid and shake.  Then you can use this water to wash another load of clothes!
  • Pizza Box Dilemma: Do you or don't you recycle pizza boxes? The golden rule for pizza boxes is if there is a grease stain bigger than a half dollar - Throw it away!  Same goes if there is any cheese or toppings stuck to the box... throw it away.  Otherwise it will contaminate the cardboard recycling.

Recycling Links

Local Thrift Stores

  • Salvation Army
    • 405 Sawmill Creek Road
    • 907-747-3358
  • Sweet Peas
    • 1321 Sawmill Creek Road Suite B
    • 907-747-7972
  • Tongass Threads
    • 236 Lincoln Street, #102 in the Franklin Mall
    • 907-747-2792
  • White Elephant
    • 323 Seward Street
    • 907-747-3430

Changes to Recycling - November 2017

The City and Borough of Sitka Center will no longer be accepting plastics 3 through 7 or mixed paper for recycle. World wide demand for recyclable products has declined and forced Republic Services, our waste collection contractor, to stop accepting materials.  Corrugated cardboard, tin, aluminum, glass, and plastics 1 and 2 will continue to be collected.  We apologize for the inconvenience.