What is the SCRES?
What does the SCRES Include? |
Energy Education |
Community Engagement |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory |
Energy experts are building an in-depth series of educational modules specific to Sitka that you can explore to learn more so you can make informed decisions about our community's energy future. See the list of topics below! More modules will be added throughout Fall 2024. |
To help create a shared vision and a roadmap, we need your ideas! Workshops, and other opportunities are being planned for Fall 2024 and Winter 2025. The best way to stay up to date on upcoming events is to email sustainability@cityofsiktka.org for updates. |
To better understand Sitka's energy needs, experts are conducting a community-wide greenhouse gas (GHGH) emissions inventory. GHG inventories serve as an energy baseline, an essential part in the energy planning process. |
Energy Education Topics |
Knowledge powers Sitka just as much as its hydroelectricity. To make sure that knowledge is accessible as possible, the Sitka Community Renewable Energy Strategy (SCRES) includes a five-part webinar series to provide easy to digest information about Sitka's energy landscape during a lunchtime hour. Enjoy some food and facts with energy experts from across multiple departments of City and Borough of Sitka, the Renewable Energy Alaska Project, and the Pacific Northwest National Lab. |
Schedule a WorkshopHelp us establish the shared energy vision and roadmap of opportunities! The SCRES team is currently planning a series of workshops in the fall to hear from the community. If you are a member of an organization that would like an individual session, please click the link below to schedule a workshop. |
Learn More About the SCRES |
Help us establish the shared energy vision and roadmap of opportunities! The SCRES team is currently planning a series of workshops in the fall to hear from the community. If you are a member of an organization that would like an individual session, please click the link below to schedule a workshop. Each workshop will include a brief presentation on relevant energy information and a facilitated discussion to integrate your sector's needs and concerns into Sitka's energy future. Workshops are anticipated to take approximately 1.5 hours.
Want to be more involved?
To be considered at the next Assembly Meeting, submit applications to the Clerk's Office by September 18th at noon.