The Sitka Fire Dept. requires residents to obtain a burn permit before open burning. To obtain a permit please contact the Sitka Fire Dept. at 907-747-3233. The Sitka Fire Dept. adheres to the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation open burn policies. The Sitka Fire Dept. also requires that the burn be kept attended with a water source kept nearby.
General Requirements
A person conducting open burning shall comply with and ensure that:
Open burning of asphalts, rubber products, plastics, tars, oils, oily wastes, contaminated oil cleanup materials, or other materials in a way that gives off black smoke is prohibited without written department approval.
Open burning or incineration of pesticides, halogenated organic compounds, cyanic compounds, or polyurethane products in a way that gives off toxic or acidic gases or particulate matter is prohibited. See list of prohibited items in 18 AAC.50.065.
Open burning of putrescible garbage, animal carcasses, or petroleum-based materials, including materials contaminated with petroleum or petroleum derivatives is prohibited if it causes color or black smoke that has an adverse effect on nearly persons or property.
No person may permit any emissions which is injurious to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property or which would unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property.
Link to DEC Open Burning Program